DogsRtreed DRT SWEDISH SPRING SNAPS are HEAVY-DUTY! We had used a dog tie-out gang line system ourselves for over 12 years, before we decided to manufacture them to offer on our own website. A few years ago we began that quest, with a goal to be able to offer our customers the best QUALITY, DURABILITY, AND VALUE possible, in our Tie-Out Systems and Leashes. After all, we had gotten to experience that type of quality and reliability for years, and wanted to share it with others! We instantly thought about those snaps on that old tie-out, and we set out to find a very high quality Spring Snap. Our TOP PRIORITY is keeping your dogs and ours as safe as possible! Great for camping, travel, Mushers and more!
DRT Heavy Duty Spring snaps are used in a variety of different products and applications where high quality, durability and security is of the utmost importance. You will find them as an option on our leashes, tie-out systems, replacement tie-out leads, and you can choose them when ordering CUSTOM items that you may want us to build for you! Just give us a call with any questions, we are happy to help!